plate tectonic theory

美 [pleɪt tekˈtɑːnɪk ˈθiːəri]英 [pleɪt tekˈtɒnɪk ˈθɪəri]
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plate tectonic theoryplate tectonic theory


the branch of geology studying the folding and faulting of the earth's crust
Synonym: tectonics plate tectonics


  1. The plate tectonic theory represents a major scientific achievement in the twentieth century .


  2. Genetic model of Qiyugou type gold deposit is proposed and prospecting direction was pointed out according to plate tectonic theory .


  3. Plate tectonic theory : a serious challenge


  4. It is difficult to explain the evolution by means of the traditionally plate tectonic theory .


  5. So , in recent years , some geologists have used plate tectonic theory to make what they call geopredictions .


  6. A hypothetical continent that ( according to plate tectonic theory ) broke up later into North America and Europe and Asia .


  7. The plate tectonic theory reveals the seafloor spreading and plate lateral movement , and illustrates magmatism related to plate boundaries .


  8. A key aspect of plate tectonic theory is that on geologic time scales ocean basins are transient features , opening and closing as plates shift .


  9. A hypothetical continent that ( according to plate tectonic theory ) broke up later into India and Australia and Africa and South America and Antarctica .


  10. The generation of the plate tectonic theory emblematized a revolution in geosciences development history , it creates profound influences on development trends of the contemporary geosciences theoretical studies .


  11. Based on the data collected in the recent years by the scientific expedition in the Qinghai-Xizang region , the principal structural features of Himalayas and Qinghai-Xizang Plateau are discussed from viewpoint of plate tectonic theory .


  12. This paper summarizes the recent developments in metallogenetic regularities and predictions in the western countries from three directions : ( 1 ) using plate tectonic theory as the theoretical foundation of metallogenetic regularities and predictions ;


  13. The academic opinions related to large igneous provinces propose a set of mechanisms to explain continental growth , recycling of crustal materials and metallogenesis , and these mechanisms are entirely different from those of the plate tectonic theory .
